Plant to sensor table
The primary purpose of the machine is to conduct detailed plant research in a field of various crops. This allows researchers to study the growth, health, and responses of the plants under different conditions and treatments.
The machine is capable of capturing various images of pots that are organized in a grid layout. The grid of plants can divided into multiple experiments and within each experiment, randomization of the pot position can be used. Each experiment can include different treatment schedules, such as variations in watering, fertilization, or light exposure. This organization allows researchers to systematically observe and compare the effects of each treatment.
The plants are moved using an advanced xyz servo system to the watering and imaging location(s), using a carefully designed gripper. As such, plants can be moved at high speed without damaging the leaves. This setup results in a very dense utilization of growth space, with over 300 plants contained in a small footprint.
This machine offers an innovative approach to plant research, utilizing technology to streamline the process and improve the accuracy of data collection. By combining image collection, organized experiments, and automated treatments, researchers can gain in-depth insights into the physiology and needs of plants.
As with any WIWAM system, customization options are plenty, ranging from sensor to plant approach to multiple pot sizes, adding camera systems and so forth.