SPECIM: a reliable partner for hyperspectral imaging

Hyperspectral imaging is today’s technology to reveal the invisible, to generate an in depth understanding of phenomena and objects studied. The technology is used increasingly in many research areas, such as life sciences, vegetation research, forensics,…

Biopute: an official WIWAM dealer in China

WIWAM joined forces with Biopute to make the phenotyping platforms available in China. Biopute will provide professional marketing and technical support for the WIWAM products. Furthermore, they will install an after-sales service to make local maintenance…

Official opening WIWAM Conveyor setup @ VIB

The finalization of the WIWAM Conveyor setup @ VIB was celebrated with an official opening event on October 3rd 2014 in the presence of about 60 people mainly representing politics, universities, and plant biotech companies. The event started with an…

WIWAM Conveyor was presented at the “Cereal Future Forum”

From February 11-12, 2015, Bayer CropScience organized ‘the Cereal Future Forum’ in Brussels. Around 230 participants from 30 countries joined the 2-day conference on the future of wheat production in the world. The last day, the Cereal Future Forum…

WIWAM @ Plant Organ Growth Symposium

Size control of multi-cellular organisms such as plants poses a longstanding biological question that has fascinated scientists from every time and generation. Currently the question on how size is measured and fixed during growth of an organ or organism…

Banana and strawberry plants on WIWAM Conveyor

During summer, the partners of the Phenovision consortium had the possibility to run some test experiments on the WIWAM Conveyor phenotyping platform at VIB. The research group of Prof. Sebastien Carpentier of the KU Leuven performed an initial test to…

Can we predict the final size of maize plants?

Although several approaches to identify genes and networks involved in final organ size have been proven successful, our understanding remains fragmentary. The variation in 103 lines of the Zea mays B73xH99 RIL population was assessed for a set of final…

EMBO practical course on plant phenotyping @ VIB

From 13 – 19 September VIB – Ghent University, Université Catholique de Louvain, and Université de Liège joined forces in organizing an EMBO practical course entitled “Insights into plant biological processes through phenotyping” in Ghent,…